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The name of this larger-than-life collection may seem obvious, but it's symbolism and message runs deep.  Brought to life by intricate etched and sand-blasted details, these meticulously assembled glass pieces all contain purposeful imagery and words intended to spark meaningful thought about the real

cost of our money



Look closely at this $100 bill, and you will notice something a little off. The hollowed out eyes and black void behind Benjamin Franklin represent that there is nothing backing our currency.  It's just a piece of paper that we all work tirelessly to collect, with no guarantee of it's actual value.  You'll also see a slight smirk, as if he knows something you don't. As Ben looks at you with his little grin you can almost hear him say... "Keep Working Sucker!"

27 x 50 x 3 in

2017  |  1 of 2

8,500 USD


Everyone loves a good reboot! With even more infinity detail, this carved glass masterpiece is encased in an aluminium frame with color changing lights, and the classic $100 bill that goes on as long as your work day.

24.5 x 48 x 3 in

2019  |  1 of 1

6,500 USD


Like it or not, the world does not run on gumdrops and dandelions-- it runs on oil. In this piece, Independence Hall has been replaced by an oil refinery aptly named "Dependence Hall".  In the words of the wise and great Governor of Alaska, "Drill baby drill!"

24.5 x 48 x 3 in

2019  |  1 of 1

11,000 USD


Drill Baby Drill, the sequel!! This rendition features the same ultra-realistic scene of oil  refinery "Dependence Hall", with gentle color changing lights.  Wrapped in an aluminum frame that is glossy black like oil​.

24.5 x 48 x 3 in

2019  |  1 of 1

6,500 USD


Part of the "Big Chief" two-part series.

This is a scaled version of an original US Silver Certificate with the depiction of Chief Running Antelope of the Hunkpapa Tribe. In 1886, he was the first, and sadly the last Native American to be featured on US paper currency. While in production, the United States Mint made a critical error; they used a Pawnee headdress instead of a Sioux headdress, as would be correct.  Whether intentional or not, this caused outrage in Native Communities. No apologies or consolation were ever offered for this brazen display of ignorance, and shortly after, the bill was removed from circulation.

24.5 x 48 x 3 in

2019  |  1 of 1

8,500 USD